Medicaid Expansion/Women's Rights


The State of Kansas has pushed the issue of Medicaid Expansion down the road over and over again, while our citizens and valued veterans continue to die waiting for the services they need. We need to pass this initiative so we can save our rural hospitals as well.


Women should make the determination of what is needed for their own bodies.  They and their doctors are the only ones that need to be involved in these decisions.  


In addition, I will push for a bill to make women's feminine products tax free. 

Early Childhood, Public and Special Education, Quality, Affordable Childcare.

Early childhood education and quality affordable childcare have long been proven to be "money makers".  For each dollar spent in tax dollars, we receive a $4 benefit in a more educated society that has less incarceration and homelessness.


With the Kansas Supreme Court's decision that the Gannon Act has been fulilled, public and special education will again become open to legislative gutting.  We cannot allow this to happen for the future of our children.

Foster Care

Foster Care continues to be an issue for our Kansas youth.  But beyond that, Kansas is one of the states that confiscates death benefits of its children (including military death benefits) if a child receives foster care.  This must stop!


Veterans Issues

While Medicaid Expansion will help veterans with the care they need, we must also consider the mental health of those returning with PTSD.  And we must consider implementing a provision for medical marijuana to alleviate the pain so many endure.


Voting Rights


Free and unencumbered voting is the sign of a healthy democracy.  Kansas needs to protect and make sure all Kansans have the opportunity to vote and ways to hamper that right should be removed.



As farming becomes more difficult, through climate change and economic pressures, too many family farms are being lost and consumed by corporate farms and/or sold to investment entities that do not protect the way of life that makes us Kansas.  We need to find ways to help our farmers find success-our entire food supply depends on it!

STOP BACK FOR THE the latest information! I believe if you are going to point out a problem, you should have solutions!  I will be offering position papers regarding this issues over the next months!  Please check back each week for these issues as well as others!